Geopolitically, industrially and scientifically engaged expeditions to Antarctica gained increasing popularity in the 20th, an engagement that has only grown ever since. In the AV-performance «stories-of-90°-S-empir[e]icism» historical 16mm-images of European Antarctica expeditions from the 1940s-1960s are re-scored and visually alternated to propose alternative analytical approaches to the scientific and geopolitical lusts of that time.

av-performance (2022)

excerpt «stories of stories of 90°S empir[e]icisms», DOCK (Basel, Switzerland), 2022/2023

excerpt «stories of 90°S empir[e]icism», Forum (kHaus, Basel Switzerland), 2022

The enactment of Western-European, male power and violence present in the projected historical images exposes anthropocentric logics that the performance questions: Characteristic images of industrial whaling, scientific field work, conquests, machines, maps or male explorers are deprived of their exact contours by re-rendering those images through artificially created distortions (ice / glass) and spatial displacement (projection on glacier geotextiles). 

The live-sound by collaborating artists Vivian Wang and Serafin Aebli depends on contact microphones atteched to the 16mm-projectors, synthesisers, modified electronic instruments, software and original sounds from the Janis Polars own Antartic expedition. The resulting soundscapes progress slowly in space and time, countering in their own way ever violent modernistic core values of ‹bigger, faster, stronger, further…› that are represented and staged in the images, its montage and their historical context. Furthermore, the digitally alternated sounds from the contact microphone engage in a dialogue between different machines present in the room of the performance as well as in the images, reflecting on conditions that enabled currently disturbed socio-ecologies.

Today antarctic territory is only regulated by semi-binding treaties: What will potentially happen at a later point of climate change to the land underneath Antartica once the ephemeral ice sheets are gone or even mined through? «stories-of-90°-S-empir[e]icism» oscillates between the gates of the then and now, immediacy and ephemerality.

  • G. E. Fogg, Gordon Elliott Fogg (1992): A History of Antarctic Science. Cambridge University Press.

    P. Roberts (2011): The European Antarctic: Science and Strategy in Scandinavia and the British. Springer.

    David Day (2013): Antarctica: A Biography. Oxford University Press.

    Christian Hug (2021): Whaling in the 1950s was backbreaking work.


gēotan, 2023–2024


ex-de-plora, 2022